Men need to be Spiritual Leaders in their homes. Yet, Men tend to shy away from God and Spiritual matters. At Healing Hearts Sanctuary, you will learn about REAL life and the means to garner joy, peace, and hope. Men need community, too. Don't Miss Out!
Women are eager to better their lives and families. Yet, life can get crowded with the daily activities and the pressures that come with being married, raising children, working, and thinking about tomorrow. Join us at HHS to find answers for life and connect with women to build friendhships.
Marriages today need Relational Oxygen. We are gasping for air as we seek to "know" one another and build a lasting love. No, Marriage Is Hard! We can all admit that if we are honest. At HHS, we will offer tools and truths that benefit those who want to get to a healthier place. Step out and Step in to HHS.
Meeting Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - For all meetings on the 3rd Friday. Location: TBD - See Below.
(2026) Feb 21st, May 16th, Aug 21st and Nov 20th -- (4X)
3rd Friday (2027) - Jan 15th, Mar 19th, May 21st, July 23rd, Sept 17th , and Nov 19th - (6X)
3rd Friday (2028) - Monthly - (except June and July - OFF) - (10X)
3rd Friday (2029) and Beyond - Monthly - except on 1st Friday in December - Our Christmas Gathering - (12X)